E Wallet Free Money

R Pay Wallet aims to revolutionize money management e-wallet solution for online business by providing clean, developer-friendly APIs, and a hassle-free integration. We offer our digital wallet platform with a fast, affordable, and secure way of transaction for our merchants and to accept, disburse payments, and enrich their business online. Neteller E-Wallet. Neteller is owned and operated by Optimal Payments PLC and can be used for.
You can have your own payment gateway like PayPal, Bitcoin, Perfect Money etc. Service time 09.00am - 11.59 pm.
Payments made easy.
Allied Wallet’s eWallet is a new way to pay friends, family and business associates with an eWallet account. With eWallet, each user can add money by linking a bank account and managing money on their phone or computer with our eWallet dashboard.
Send & Receive Funds
Allied Wallet’s eWallet is a limitless tool that enables its users to send money at any time.
Connect with People
Transferring funds to a friend or business associate’s account is quick and secure within a 24 hour period.
Make Purchases
Allied Wallet’s eWallet is a limitless tool that enables its users to transfer money at any time.
Unbeatable Security
Allied Wallet’s eWallet is a new way to pay friends, family, business associates and anyone else with an eWallet account. With eWallet each user can add money by linking a bank account and managing money on a sleek Allied Wallet prepaid card.