The Definition Of Degenerate
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Related to degenerate: Degenerate matter
- The definition of degenerate is someone or something that has lost their former good character or morality. An example of something that would be described as degenerate is an immoral society.
- Degenerate (adj.) late 15c., 'having lost or suffered impairment to the qualities proper to the race or kind,' from Latin degeneratus, past participle of degenerare 'to be inferior to one's ancestors, to become unlike one's race or kind, fall from ancestral quality,' used of physical as well as moral qualities, from phrase de genere, from de 'off, away from' (see de-) + genus (genitive generis.
Definition of Degenerate. To fall below a certain level of quality. Examples of Degenerate in a sentence. Without any maintenance, the once grand house began to degenerate into a rundown mansion. 🔊 Everyone expects the divorce negotiations to degenerate into a screaming match between the couple.
degenerate into (something)
To get worse and enter an unpleasant state. Concerts always seem to degenerate into chaos once it's time to leave the venue.If you don't exercise regularly, your muscles will degenerate into mush.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
degenerate into something
to decay into something; to break down into something. The peace rally degenerated into a riot.I was afraid that the party would degenerate into a drinking contest.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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