Wesg 2018 Sc2

Wesg 2018 Sc2
  1. Maru Vs Scarlett StarCraft II Playoff WESG 2018
  2. Round Of 48 Groups Announcement
  3. Serral Vs INnoVation StarCraft II Grand Final WESG 2018
  4. WESG2018世界电子竞技运动会官方网站

MacSed (6000-6300 MMR Protoss) played a Best-of-3 match against Seventy91 (WESG 2018 group stage and won 2-1. Betting trends indicate that a huge amount of money was placed for Seventy91 to win a map against MacSed a couple hours before the match started. Dec 13, 2020 World Electronic Sports Games 2019 was a professional esports tournament organized by Alisports. The event was cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. At the time of cancellation, all regional qualifiers except the Asia-Pacific qualifier had concluded.

In working on Spawning Tool, we try to find every StarCraft 2 tournament replay pack released and upload them into the system. Hopefully our site is a good experience, but we understand if you just want to download the replay pack.

Wesg 2018 Sc2Wesg 2018 Sc2

1. Tournament Registration

1.1 There is no upper limit for registration. The actual numbers of participants are counted and reviewed between the initial time and registration deadline.
1.2 Registrants must be responsible for their submitted information. Registrants who submitted inaccurate and unreal information would receive severe consequences. (Disqualification etc.)
1.3 Personal information once verified and submitted would not allow to modify. The system will automatically examine registrant information afterward. Personal information once verified and submitted, are subject to changes only under special circumstances including (but not limited to) passport renewal, roster changes under unforeseen circumstances, etc. Any changes must be made by sending an email containing the following information to wesg@alisports.com

1.3.1 Team/Player ID
1.3.2 Reason for change

1.4 Before the games start, participants must prepare and follow referees’ instructions.
1.5 WESG committee may need players to provide more detailed personal profiles for verification purposes during any stage of the tournament. Players need to fulfill the tournament committee’s request.
1.6 Players are allowed to participate in one or multiple game titles presented in the WESG however must note the possibility of game schedule clashes. However, players eligible for both General Group and Women’s Group may only register for either one. In the event of a clash in schedule due to participation in multiple games, the player must voluntarily withdraw their participation of one of their games. Participants will be responsible in ensuring that they are able to adhere to the tournament schedule as provided by the organizers.
1.7 WESG reserves the right to make changes to the rules in advance and reserves the final interpretation right to the rule.


2. Individual Game Regulations

2.1 Players consent to interviews, reporting, video shootings and other WESG
related activities.
2.2 Players have the responsibility to check the schedule regularly in order to prepare the future matches. WESG staff will notify of any major schedule change.
2.3 Any announced match-ups would not be changed unless the tournament committee notifies teams specifically. Players need to arrange the schedule in order to show up on time.
2.4 Matches will only be held on the authorized server or platform. Players need to adapt to the WESG Internet settings as specified by marshals or tournament crew.
2.5 Before matches start, players need to check that their IDs and personal information are identical to the submitted information.
2.6 Players needs to check-in to venue or online platform on time, otherwise they will be considered to have abandoned the match (Please check each region’s schedule). Unreported players would face penalties according to Rules 2.9.
2.7 15 minutes before the game would be p1-testing time. If team members do not report on time, the team or individual will have given up their p1 privilege (however substitutes can replace the absentee).
2.8 After games start, if any unexpected disconnection and force majeure resulting in the pausing of the match occur, both teams/players will need to coordinate with each other and seek for agreement. If players are unwilling to cooperate, they will be considered to have abandoned the match. If both sides are unable to play the game regularly, the game will be postponed.
2.9 Impersonating a player, match fixing, cheating and any other action compromising the integrity of the game will result following consequences:

2.9.1 Players impersonating other players who compete at the WESG as well will result in all gain nullified and disqualification from the tournament.
2.9.2 Non-competing players who involve impersonating a player will result in all gained nullified and disqualification from the tournament. Violated person is subjected to check in the future WESG events.
2.9.3 Impersonated players will face all gained nullified and disqualification from the tournament.

Maru Vs Scarlett StarCraft II Playoff WESG 2018

2.10 After the game has started, if teams need to pause the game, they will need to make a request on the public channel. The referee or marshal will then pause the game. If teams or individuals fail to do so, they will face a warning the first time it occurs. If it occurs again for the second time, the team/player will be charged a loss.
2.11 If any conflicts occur during the games, players will be expected to settle it professionally without any profanity or violence. Referee on duty will also assist on solving conflicts between teams/players.
2.12 If each side is not able to come to an agreement about disconnection, the referee will give explanations to both sides at the end of the day. Referee may request additional matches at the end of the day. If one side is not satisfied with the referees’ decision, they must appeal to the committee straight away.
2.13 Players who refuse to play will lose the rights to appeal.
2.14 After matches, team managers are permitted to keep game videos. Game videos are not allowed to be published for any commercial purposes.
2.15 The Committee reserves the right to make changes to the rules in advance, and reserves the final interpretation right to the rules, as per Rule 1.7.

3. Team Game Regulations


3.1 Team members should be between 5-8.
3.2 Starting from WESG 2019-2020, a team of 5 members must have a minimum of 3 members representing the same nationality, and a maximum of 2 members from other nationalities. All members must register together. As for members with dual or multiple nationalities, he/she must represent only one country or region.
3.3 Every team needs to have a captain. The captain is not allowed to change during the tournament. Team captain can be a player. The captain is the only authorized person to communicate with the tournament committee.
3.4 Team captains has the responsibility to check the schedule regularly in order to prepare the future matches. WESG staff will notify any major schedule change.
3.5 Any announced match-ups would not be changed unless the tournament committee notifies teams specifically. Team manager need to arrange the schedule in order to avoid any lateness.
3.6 Before match starts, team manager needs to report and confirm the current roster to the referee on duty.
3.7 Before match starts, Team manager needs to check Players ID and personal information are identical to the submitted information.
3.8 Team member needs to report the sites on time, otherwise would be considered to have abandoned the match (Please check each region’s schedule).
3.9 After match starts, team are not allowed changing any players unless force majeure clause.
3.10 Impersonating a player, match fixing, cheating and any other action compromising the integrity of the game will result following consequences:
3.11 Team which involve impersonating a player will result in all gained nullified and disqualification from the tournament. Violated person is subjected to check in the future WESG events.
3.12 Team who involve impersonating a player will result in all gained nullified and disqualification from the tournament.
3.13 Players who involve cheating impersonating will result in all gained nullified and disqualification from the tournament. Violated player is subjected to check in the future WESG events and may received additional penalties.
3.14 After the game has started, if teams need to pause the game, they will need to make a request on the public channel. The referee or marshal will then pause the game. If teams or individuals fail to do so, they will face a warning the first time it occurs. If it occurs again for the second time, the team/player will be charged a loss.
3.15 If any conflicts occur during the games, players will be expected to settle it professionally without any profanity or violence. Referee on duty will also assist on solving conflicts between teams/players.
3.16 If each side is not able to come to an agreement about disconnection, the referee will give explanations to both sides at the end of the day. Referee may request additional matches at the end of the day. If one side is not satisfied with the referees’ decision, they must appeal to the committee straight away.
3.17 Players who refuse to play will lose the rights to appeal.
3.18 After matches, team managers are permitted to keep game videos. Game videos are not allowed to be published for any commercial purposes.
3.19 The Committee reserves the right to make changes to the rules in advance, and reserves the final interpretation right to the rules, as per Rule 1.7.

4. Appealing Procedure

4.1 Players and staffs having dissents with the match can appeal to the board of referee or board of arbitration.
4.2 Appeals can be about unjust treatments, misjudging, forgiving penalties, etc. Appeal process includes appeal in game and appeal after game.
4.3 Appeal in game is mainly for unjust treatments from the referees. The appeals should be settled as soon as possible if not interfering the match. Players can appeal after game if the appeals cannot be settled in game.
4.4 Appeal after game is mainly for the disputes in game results, misjudging and forgiving penalties. The term of validity for the appeal is 24 hours; the appeals beyond 24 hours are not accepted.
4.5 During the appeal process, player cannot pause the game without the permission from referees. If a pause is needed, players must receive consent from the admin. Players pausing without admin’s consent may receive penalties and other serious consequences.
4.6 Player raising appeals should collect evidence (e.g. video, photo, screenshot, chat history), send them to the board of arbitration in 24 hours by Committee email: wesg@alisports.com, and wait for the arbitration results.
4.7 Players need to fill out required information. Board of arbitration will deal with the appeal in two working days, during which athletes should offer assistance. 4.8. Board of arbitration will analyze the case with the evidence and vote for the final decision. The decision needs to be passed by at least 2/3 of the members to be effective. The decision from board of arbitration shall be final.
4.8 Board of arbitration will analyze the case with the evidence and vote for the final decision. The decision needs to be passed by at least 2/3 of the members to be effective. The decision from board of arbitration shall be final.
4.9 The relevant parties will receive penalties according to the appeal results and rules.
4.10 Team or individual cannot appeal for the same issue for more than one time.
4.11 The appealing results will be published through official website or other media, and the relevant parties will be informed through phone or email.
4.12 The Committee reserves the right to make changes to the rules in advance, and reserves the final interpretation right to the rules.

5. Violation of Rules and Legal: Rules Violation & Punishment

Breaking of the rules or ignoring the order of an Admin may result in a punishment for a whole team or a specific player. Type and amount is chosen by a admin.

5.1. Possible Team Punishments
· Default Loss for one game
· Default Loss for the whole match
· Temporary or permanent ban from the competition
5.2. Possible Player Punishments
· Temporary ban from the competition
· Permanent ban from the competition

6. Legal

6.1 Legal proceedings are not permitted
6.2 The organizer reserves the right to use names/ photographs of the participants as materials for the purposes of advertising, trade and publicity without any prior notice to the participants. Participants will not be entitled to claim ownership or other forms of the compensation on such uses.
6.3 The participants hereby confirm that all his/her personal information stated in the contest form is true and complete. The participants hereby irrevocably consent and authorize Organizer to process any of his/her information and to release the same to any related existing or future business partners or strategic alliance and /or any other third party as Organizer may in its absolute discretion deem necessary or expedient for the purpose of marketing and promotion of products and services. The participants hereby confirm that no further permission or consent from him/her is necessary or required in relation thereto and this shall constitute the consent required under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 or any other contractual consent for such disclosures of information.

Four groups were played on the day 1 at WESG 2018-2019 StarCraft II division and 8 players advanced to the next stage - Single-Elimination Bo5 Playoffs. A lot of big names among winners, such as Serral, Maru, Neeb and Elazer.

Group A was an easy ride for Alex 'Neeb' Sunderhaft, well known Protoss from USA. Over the 5 matches, he lost only 1 map to Terran MaSa. Serral occupied the second place with only 1 defeat to Neeb. As Joona Sotala mentioned in the interview before the tournament, he still doesn't feel confident against Neeb and score of 0:2 only proved that.

In group B first two lines were occupied by Grzegorz 'MaNa' Komincz and Julian 'Lambo' Brosig. Both Protoss and Zerg showed high performance and deserved to continue in the playoffs.

Terran-dominated group C became a huge disaster for other participants. Mexican Juan Carlos 'SpeCial' Tena Lopez and Korean Cho 'Maru' Seong Ju just wiped out all the other competitors and in the face-to-face battle Maru took the victory. Interesting fact that among 8 winners only Maru and SpeCial represents Terran.

Round Of 48 Groups Announcement

And the last but not the least Group D was led by two unconventional favorites: Korean Park 'Dark' Ryung Woo and Mikołaj 'Elazer' Ogonowski from Poland. One of the world’s best Zergs have managed to defeat all the opponents, but it was not an easy day for them, especially for Elazer. While Dark lost only 2 maps, Elazer had to fight over the place in the playoffs till the end.

The next day will bring Groups E, F, G and H to fight and we expect one more day of truly high StarCraft II from iAsonu, Scarlett, INnoVation, TIME and other competitors. Join our Twitch starting from 4:00 CET and watch WESG 2018-2019 Grand Finals: https://www.twitch.tv/wesg_sc2

Serral Vs INnoVation StarCraft II Grand Final WESG 2018

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